Some of you know that the past few months I've been struggling with a ruptured tendon on my right hand, an injury which I inflicted on to myself by rushing one morning and whacking it on a broken garage door while going out to the chickens. It has never been right so I had to have surgery to repair it last week. With some physical therapy my surgeon expects it to be fully functional and strong again. He knows I am an artist and work mostly in detailed miniature scale and I need my hand. He promised to take good care of me. In the meanwhile, I'm limited to what I can do by myself. For example, yesterday I needed to give one of the puppies a shot. Our friend Matt came over to help me. Matt was in the Marines and then studied to become a nurse. My daughter says that he is now someone who can give you your medicine and kick your butt if you don't take it. I believe he is also planning on becoming a firefighter. Any fire department will be lucky to have him. So lucky!

Yep. Sometimes you have to ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is not something I am good at since I tend to be somewhat of a control freak and I am much more comfortable helping others than asking for help. But so many of us, especially mothers, are like this. Don't you think? But I am getting better at it. It is easier to accept help when you need it when you have good friends who know you well enough to know when you need it, even if you are a stubborn ass like moi who thinks you can do it all by yourself. I am learning that it is OK to let someone help when you need to take care of yourself or need to heal. And that the world will not fall apart if I can't do everything exactly when I want to. Everything may not be perfect but letting go of some of that perfectionism is very humbling. And humble is good.

Happy Friday, my lovelies! ♥ xo xo ♥ CS

Yep. Sometimes you have to ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is not something I am good at since I tend to be somewhat of a control freak and I am much more comfortable helping others than asking for help. But so many of us, especially mothers, are like this. Don't you think? But I am getting better at it. It is easier to accept help when you need it when you have good friends who know you well enough to know when you need it, even if you are a stubborn ass like moi who thinks you can do it all by yourself. I am learning that it is OK to let someone help when you need to take care of yourself or need to heal. And that the world will not fall apart if I can't do everything exactly when I want to. Everything may not be perfect but letting go of some of that perfectionism is very humbling. And humble is good.

In the midst of dealing with my hand, right before Easter my heart was broken. My Corgi, Indy, was diagnosed with lymphoma. I knew something was not quite right. Even though he is no Spring chicken (he will be 13 in December) he was feeling lighter to me when I picked him up. You couldn't see it but I could feel it. I noticed that one day his face seemed a bit swollen. Thinking he was stung by a bee, I gave him a benadryl. The swelling went down some, so the next morning I gave him another and then put him on the table to examine him. His lymph glands on his neck and under his arms were swollen. I brought him right over to the vet and he asked me what I thought it was. I told him lymphoma. He examined him and felt it was as well, so we drew blood and he aspirated each lymph node. The next day his diagnosis was confirmed and we started chemotherapy. He responded well and within days his lymph glands were less swollen. We are taking it a day at a time and are hoping for remission. The last blood test showed that his red blood cells are rejuvenating, which is a good sign. He is tired and has a bad day here and there but all in all he is feeling good and in no pain and is happy and hungry.

Keep my little man in your good thoughts and prayers, will you? I love him so much and I know he wants to be here as much as I don't want him to leave. We are not ready to let each other go.
The day after my hand surgery, a big cold box was delivered to my door. It was from my friends Stephanie (Matt's mom) and Sylvia. Who, by the way I called on my way home from the recovery room when I was feeling no pain. They thought it was pretty funny (and so did my husband) that I was flying high before the drugs wore off. What can I tell you. I was feeling good. Until that night. Then I realized why the doctor had prescribed two different pain killers for me. OMG. I have fibromyalgia so I'm used to dealing with pain pretty much all the time. But this was wicked. I couldn't sleep for a few days even with the pain killers. But I did catch up on all the episodes of The Tudors (not for young viewers) on Showtime. Wow. That King Henry VIII was something else, wasn't he? I'm just sayin'...

Oh yes, back to the box. Inside were the most delicious chocolate covered strawberries. I've made them myself many times but let me tell you, these are really, really good. I'm a bit of a chocolate snob. It is my mother's fault. She only bought really good chocolate so I come by it honestly. I called the company to tell them how much I enjoyed them and when I mentioned that I would put a note on my blog they gave me this link for my Christmas Corgi Blog readers so we can all get a 15% discount! I have also put a box on the left side of the blog with a link so you can find it easily anytime. The discount comes off after you have added your item to the cart. Fair warning: these will call you from the fridge and you may not want to share.
Happy Friday, my lovelies! ♥ xo xo ♥ CS
Bless your little heart!! I am sooooo sorry about your hand,but glad the surgery will put you back to creating your wonderful art when you are all healed! That handsome Indy certainly looks like he wants to fight really hard against his illness. I will be thinking of both of you and saying prayers, too!!
Have a good Mom's Day....and enjoy being pampered! L, Dana
I am so sorry for your hand and your little pup. They are so much a part of our lives. Sandie
Cathy! You have so much going on! I hope your hand is completely healed...SOON!
And Indy- oh my. Indy is beautiful. What a pretty face. I love the pic of Indy and Matt.
Try to take it easy so that you can get better. Snuggle with Indy and you will both feel better.
xo, Cheryl
Poor little guy... it's hard to have our little friends hurting. Looks like he's a fighter though. We'll keep you and Indy in our thoughts!
Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about Indy's diagnosis. I hope that he goes into remission and can stay here with you for a good long time to come!! He sure is a sweet looking corgi! I am also sorry to hear about your hand, that sounds awfully painful! Sending you healing thoughts for you and Indy.
Tell Matt to "GO FOR IT" as a firefighter, but he should hit medic school it will increase his chances of getting on. I hope your hand is healing well!. Poor Indy, hope all gets better.
Cat, your life is a whirl, full of ups and downs! Bless you and yours throughout it all. Chocolate strawberries help, and good friends like Matt, and a darn good vet! Hugs and prayers for sweet Indy. That adorable picure brought tears to my eyes. Hang in there...
God bless you, and God bless Indy, Cathy. You have both been through so much! Please keep us posted on how you both do....
Love, Millie
Cathy, hope your hand is much improved, and please let us know how Indy is doing. He has the sweetest face , and my boys and I will be wishing only good things for you both !
I just found your blog. Your very refreshing, intelligent, and creative. Thanks for blogging. (:
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