Here are some wonderful people who are a part of the Re
inwood Corgis family.

This is Lou, a firefighter and paramedic on Cape Cod, and his new little shadow, "LouLou." Lou's 15 year old beloved Corgi, "Welshkins" recently went to the Rainbow Bridge and left a Corgi shaped hole in his family's heart which they opened up to sweet LouLou. They already love her dearly. I'm sure Welshkins is watching over them all with a big Corgi smile.

Meet Ashley and Andrew from Rhode Island. A fantastic couple who fell in love with "Jack" as soon as he began giving them kisses and wiggling his little bunny butt at them. I think Jack chose them rather than the other way around. Here he is after Andrew tired him out before the trip back home.
While it is so so so hard to let them go, I know that both of these Corgis are going to have such happy lives. ♥ CS
Oh my! What a fun blog. I've always wanted a Corgi, once heard them tagged as the clowns of the dogworld. They are the cutest of the cute at all ages and I wouldn't be surprised if they could fly with those ears! Especially loved the photo of the "family" on the bed with a Jack Russell no less!
Oh this is so much Corgi love I can hardly stand it. More folks with more Corgis. How wonderful!....
Sometimes loving means letting go and letting go can hurt! I am glad these Corgi's got good homes.
I am always visiting in RI(where i grew up) so maybe LouLou can visit jack someday, would"nt that be great!
Corgi is so cute. I'm sure corgi will have a wonderful life.
Hehehe...those dogs dont look spoiled at all ;) corgis never take a bad photo, do they>>??
Loulou is doing great! she is fascinated with butterflies and flying insects, I am not sure if she realizes she will never catch them. Lots of corgi love going on here!
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