This is how I feel today. I just want to lay on a big soft bed with a cool pillow and sprawl out and chill. So many things need my attention today. I need a clone. And a butler. And maybe a massage (achy fibromyalgia day, ugh!) But instead I will fortify myself with a glass of iced tea and a passel of wee beasties and press on. What do you do when you do when you are feeling less than motivated and you need to attack the list of things that need to be done? -C ♥
Prioritize, focus, be positive, be willing to let go of things that may not be important, keep going and take a lesson on how to relax from your little dogs.
The best lessons I have learned comes from watching my dogs. They live so vertically. They live in the moment...and they don't worry about tomorrow.
I've had those days myself - if you have the time - rest - I think we under estimate the need of rest. Our body repairs and tomorrow is another day. sandie
I do hope that you take some time for yourself today and rest! All of that other stuff will be there tomorrow. Who knows, maybe some fairies will come in riding on your corgi's and do all of the things you need to do for you!
to answer your question about what to do when unmotivated, and dealing with lists of stuff to be done:
take a nap :-)
unless your list has life or death items on them, they can wait till you are refreshed. Nothing is worth wearing yourself out.
Enjoy the iced tea and the company of your babies :-D
Hmmm, unmotivated? I guess I still do what i need to do, and dream of ignoring it. I have tried to clone myself, but 24 years later my son is taller, bigger, and looks more like his mother, Darn it, it didnt work! haha.
I try to eat healthy. Have a glass of o.j., a cup of constant comment tea, some yogurt. I love Activia vanilla yogurt. Or, iced tea. I don't do pop. I've been working to rule out sugar and I do believe I have more energy!
Sending get up & go vibes to you...
Yep, you need a SPLAT moment! Love that Corgi!
Thanks guys. I think it is the weather that got me today. So darned hot. I feel like it was just yesterday that I had a fire in the wood stove. Oh wait...that WAS yesterday. LOL. xo xo
What pink said above, unless the world is gonna end without it getting done, forget it and relax. ... hope you feel better soon! (I so love when they lay out like this, cracks me up every time my Trin does it. Just too too funny!)
Well, Cathy, now don't forget FOOD! I suggest Ben and Jerry's. Either Cherry Garcia or Karamel Sutra. Both excellent!
I like how everyone thinks. Naps and food. Yep. We own corgis and we take our lessons from them all.
Hayley Boo says yesterday was Fwyday and everyone should eat fwys on Fwyday.
Millie, have you ever tried Cherries Garcia with Dove dark chocolate syrup or Tasha Tudor's hot fudge recipe? Very yummy. xo xo
I break up my list in blocks. Accomplish it in blocks. If that doesn't work. I do one thing at a time. If THAT doesn't work, I picture myself mentally doing the task first, then do the task. If that doesn't work...nothing will work and I persue nothingness.
Hi Cathy! Just found out about you through Facebook, and realize we have a few things in common: our crazy love for corgis, our creativity, and fibromyalgia...how about that? My corgi, Lucy, has been a great help at making me smile & laugh, which helps on those bad fibro days...and LOVE your pic with this post, btw...when Lucy does that, we call it "chicken butt" because her rear end reminds us of a chicken, all splayed out! Thanks so much for sharing your gifts & talents, and hang in there with the fibro pain...I know how bad it can get...peace to you! Jennie
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