"Life isn't long enough to do all you could accomplish. And what a privilege even to be alive. In spite of all the pollutions and horrors, how beautiful this world is.
Supposing you only saw the stars once every year. Think what you would think. The wonder of it!"--Tasha Tudor

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I am not short

I am concentrated awesomeness!!! 

Have a happy day! xo xo Cat

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Spring!

I love Corgis. I love painting. I love cooking. I thought I would share a bit of each with you on this Spring Equinox Eve.  Here is a pork recipe that turned out pretty well. It is tried and true. The butternut squash that accompanied it was a new one for me. Probably because of my New England roots I tend to always reach for the buttery, brown sugary or maple type flavors when I pick up a butternut squash. This one was a little different. If you like the ingredients in the recipe, chances are you will enjoy this dish too. 
 First, for me, the torturous task of peeling the butternut squash. Christmas Corgi Facebook friends have suggested a few good ways to make this easier. A good steel peeler would probably be a good place to start. Lacking one of those, my weapon of choice was a good knife. Did I mention I really really hate peeling butternut squash?
 Cut the squash into pieces. Try and cut them into cubes the same size so they cook evenly. They do not need to be perfect. Only God is perfect. And maybe Julia Child.
 Mince up some garlic. Lots. Pretend you are trying to repel vampires. 
Yes, garlic is good.

 Let's start with the pork loin roast. Rub it with lots of freshly ground black pepper. 
Rub it with a big bunch of that garlic too. Put a pat of butter in a saute pan with a good splash
of olive oil. Sear it on all sides till it gets golden brown. This is a quick process over a medium high heat, you are not trying to cook it through, just sear it.

Put the seared roast in a small pan. This is a small roast which fits perfectly 

into a bread loaf pan.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Some new Original Corgi Artwork

I just love doing these miniature pieces. While the top three Originals pictured are no longer available for purchase, I see miniature prints in their future soon. I thought you might like to see them. The little pirate Corgi is entitled "Surrender The Booty," the pink and black piece is called "Bandana Valentine," and the blue piece with the moon is "First Kiss." 

The square pieces were done on 3" x 3" miniature canvases and I just love the way they look on the little easels. Of course they can always be hung on a wall too. But its fun to find artwork in unexpected places, don't you agree?

I just finished this new Original painting. It is called 'The Usual Suspects.' Bring this painting home at your own risk. Don't let the cute little innocent looking Corgi on the end fool you. He is the brains of the operation. The others are his minions.

Now available on Etsy!

Back to the easel! Have a happy day, my lovelies! xo xo Cat 

Monday, February 10, 2014

A look back

Hello Blog. I know I have not been here as of late. I hope you will forgive me as I try to ease my way back. I think losing my dear sweet Bailey over a year ago knocked the wind out of my blogging sails. She lived well past 16 years old, but was truly my heart dog. My model, my muse. My friend. Bailey Braveheart By The Sea, CGC, Herding Instinct Tested. Even though I feel her presence around me all the time, I miss her. It hit so hard I couldn't even do a post about her passing. But not to pay tribute to her here would be wrong, even though so much time has passed. So please raise a glass to the best dog any girl could ever have! Loyal and true, friend forever faithful, champion of my heart.

A more recent loss was my dear friend Barb. This hit me like a bullet to the heart. Barb lived her life in serious pain but you would never know it. She never complained. She was a lady. Truly a lady in every sense of the word. Beautiful inside and out. And funny! Oh my dear God, would we laugh for hours until our sides and faces hurt. She really 'got' me. She understood my silly sense of humor. She knew what I was feeling before the words even came out of my mouth. She loved everyone. And I miss her. A lot.

Barb loved Bailey. When she was visiting her in Cape Cod, Bailey would follow Barb around. Bailey knew Barb always had dog treats in her bag on her power chair. Even though Bailey was moving pretty slowly toward the end, she would still find the strength to get up and follow her around. Barb also loved reading my blog. She cracked me up because every time she needed to find it she would say "Tell me how to get there again?" Well now it is my turn, asking "Tell me how to get there, again." How do I pick up from where I left off and share the stuff that I love, my artwork, things that strike my fancy, when the gears have come to a slow grind? Barb would say "Oh Cathy, just do it!" So in her honor and in Bailey's honor I am going to start again. If anyone is still here to read, I am here to share. What is a blog anyway? For me, looking back on this blog it is like a personal diary. Except it is for the whole world to see. I love being able to share my love of Corgis, stuff I'm doing and my artwork with you and get your feedback. It means a lot to me. Life is precious. Life is short. Life should be lived as if someone left the gate open. This Corgi lifestyle is truly my bliss. And it really is a lifestyle because anyone with Corgis knows they are truly a huge presence in your life. I hope you will find some tidbits here that bring glimmers of joy and inspiration to your day too! I am going to start by uploading a bunch of photos from last Summer onward from my phone. No captions. Just a tiny glimpse of what I saw and did these past months while here on Seaside Heights in New Jersey and a few other things.Well, the things that my phone captured, anyway! Mostly happy, a few sad (fire on the boardwalk) Have a happy day, my lovelies! xo xo Love, Cat

God bless and have a happy day!