Here are a couple of photos from our Bailey's 13th birthday this month.
Can you find the corgi in this photo?

I can't believe she is 13 years old. Where does the time go? Her softly greying fur reminds me of how precious each day is with my sweet angel corgi girl. But when I look into her eyes I still see the same little puppy that stole my heart those many years ago.

Sometimes you just have to help yourself to more birthday cake.

"Betony" belongs to our friends Cindy Read and Nancy Boyd. Betony has a special place in the Santarsiero hearts as she has stayed with us many times. She is a snuggler and never forgets where the toys are. I had to put her in this 'glamour girl' frame because she looks like she is saying, "You KNOW I'm cute...!" Plus, even though she is spayed, for some reason all of the boys always buzz around her and find her irresistible. Betony is an amazing corgi. She has overcome many health challenges this year including losing an eye. (We think she should wear a sparkly eye patch and be a sexy pirate for Halloween.) Her spirit is amazing. Here are a couple of her 11th Barkday photos from this Spring.

Birthday dessert....yum....
13 years old - I can't believe it! Time flies! Happy Birthday Bailey! Many, many more!
Sweet sweet post. Gives me hope as our corgis will be 8 and 10 very soon.
Sigh...wish they could live forever!! Happy days Cat with your baby.
Happy Birthday to the girls from Taffy and Agatha, still in single digits here but I love seeing the middle aged girls!
Happy Birthday to Bailey and Betony!
Sweet photos!
Susan and Corgis
Cathy, what is that yummy looking cake for a corgi made out of?
Just celebrated Hayley Boo's 14 1/2 birthday yesterday with a trip to Dairy Queen!
Happy Birthday! I saw her ears! What a cutie pie.
I came across the words "Christmas Corgi" and thought it might be about a Corgi in a Xmas Parade.
My Pem, Taylor is in the Wellington (New Zealand) Christmas Street parade on Nov 15 and will appear in a Royal Carriage among an entry entitled The Queen and her Corgis - 20 Corgis or so with only Taylor getting a ride.
Cheers, Michael Romanos
How wonderful!!! A happy birthday wish to Baily from all of us here in the woods! Looks like there was a howlin good time goin on!
It would be great to be daily with Bailey
but once every year we still must say: happy birthday!
Quite recently I wrote a story about a Corgi-Sheltie cross in New Zealand who died aged 23.5 years, And I do know of a person in NZ who had a pure bred Pem Corgi akso for 23 years and the same owner had another Pem who lived til 21.
It is said that a certain range of dog breeds can live til they are 25-30 under certain conditions and this would include Corgis.
Michael Romanos
OOOHOHOHOHOO I love the birthday cake photos. Two of my favorite things, Corgis and cake!
Happy very belated birthday, Bailey! The ears poking out from the top of the cake is just too funny :D
Happy belated b'day Bailey from Jiggs (Cardigan) and Shelby (Pembroke). Love the ears hiding (?) behind the cake.
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