Can it be so? Is it possible that it is the end of the Royal Line for the Queen's Corgis? Here's an article (including photo above) by Jane Dryer from the UK's Daily Mail Online today from a May article. Thanks to my friend Cyndi Rusakovitch for finding it! What do you think? The resident Corgis here are having a discussion as to why they do not get daily scones and their own Royal Footman. I smell mutiny. -CS ^..^
OH DEAR!!! You've GOT to be kidding! We are running right on over there to check out that story!
Loved your sleepy time blog pic from last time, too! OC and the Corgi Country Crew
Now how can that be? The end of civility as we know it for sure!
We all know that Corgis rule, and the Queen drools...
Thanks for the link to that story! It was a great read! The royal corgis sure sound like a handful. You would think the palace would employ a full-time dog trainer to ensure manners and especially house training!
I think that is sooooooo sad. They are the cutest little dogs ever!
Although it's sad, it is a highly responsible decision by The Queen. She is getting on in years and she knows that to add more of her beloved breed she would leave them behind at her passing.
"The resident Corgis here are having a discussion as to why they do not get daily scones and their own Royal Footman"
hee hee hee
Without corgis in Buckingham Palace, we may have less and less bystanders commenting about Linus "hey look! there's the queen's dog!"
The Queen cannot get rid or her corgi's--it's equal to abdicating the throne!
I just loooooooooove this photo. No dog wears a crown like a Corgi (and rightfully so!)
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