I can't believe my eyes. Finally! FINALLY! Our first egg! There it was, just laying there in the nesting box. Oh joy! Oh happy day! I don't know which of the girls laid it, but thank you Abigail or Josephine, two of the most spoiled Silver Laced Wyandottes on the planet. Hopefully the start of more eggs to come. -CS ^..^
Such a memorable day!!! Happy Egg Day to you!
Well it's about time! How old are those girls now?
You will soon be addicted to "farm fresh" eggs!
PS, I LOVE the underwater corgi!
This is really eggciting!
Wow! I'm even excited ♥ Congratulations. I hope you get more. Keep us posted.
I am happy for your girls ... and you??
Congratulations!I remember the first time my Rhode Island Reds(Daisy and Rosie)laid eggs...but just wait until the first chick hatches...such fuzzy cuties.
Congratulations! You thought this day would never come! Hope it's the start of many, many more!
Hope the girls got over the shock of it all!!!!
PS What did you do with the inaugural egg??
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