This is what happens when you have an extra crate in your car. You go to the vet and come home with a bunny who needs a home. She is a rather large rabbit. Very friendly. She loves to hop around while I'm painting. Isn't she a cutie pie? She's a good girl and very sweet. Except when she tries to nibble the hem of my jeans....

Here she is munching on some goodies in her bowl. She is standing in front of those drawers I painted (still looking for key tassels for them!) I did go with the red rick-rack design with the knobs painted red with white polka dots. The underside of them are painted white. I love love love the way they turned out. They look like magical little toadstools. More photos of the room in progress will be coming soon.

Here is a little Corgi with bunnies and carrots painting (the frame is about 3") I did for a "Colonel Bunn Exchange" with my kindred spirit Tasha Tudor friends in our Take Peace group. You can read about it at
this post on Suzanne's blog. It is destined for Alaska, scheduled to be delivered today.
I hope she likes it! I'm working on a few other small paintings that I hope to put on Ebay or Etsy later on. I'll post here as soon as I finish them. Have a lovely day everyone!
Warmly, Cathy ^..^
I just love bunnies - yours is a beauty - looks happy and healthy too! Great its got a home with you now - happy Easter! And I know what you mean about empty crates or cages - they just beg to be filled!!! **smiles**
Oh my goodness - she is just darling!!
What a sweet bunny! I know what you mean about going to the vet and seeing a helpless little one that needs a new home. I was just at my vet to get some Frontline and seen a cute little Daushound in a cage that needs a home. I knew I couldn't have him but I soooo wanted to rescue him from that cage! I left with tears in my eyes.... Sigh...
I love, love, love your painting! I'm sure they will love, love, love it too!!!
Happy Easter,
What some artists will do for new inspiration!
Lola is a beauty!
Um, how do the other house residents react to a bunny?
Stella and Amy could care less about her. Bailey wants to see what she has in her food bowl. I won't trust Indy or Bridget around her though. She looks too much like 'food' to them, I can just tell! xo xo Cat ^..^
LOL - watch out for your wires!! We have two that I adore!!! Hve fun with her!!! Sarah
What a beautiful bunny! I would love to have one someday.
The Corgi painting is gorgeous too!
Hope you have a very Happy Easter:)
Love the new artwork Cathy. Lola is adorable. It sounds like me going to the animal shelter to pick out one cat and coming home with two. And I might just pick up a kitten so we have an even four here--all of which I am allergic to.
Have fun with your pets and keep up the great artwork.
Lola is adorable! My son has a pet rabbit named Todd. Odd name I know. He lives in a beautiful hutch my husband built in our backyard. He's so cute and fun.
LOVE the new corgi artwork. I linked you at my blog. Happy Easter!
Lola is so pretty. Bunny fur is so soft. My rabbit Shadow loved to be brushed. He also enjoyed being in the house(watch your carpeting & electrical wires, he like to chew on them)
Happy Easter!
Enjoy your day!
The bunny is cute~~~ and so is the new piece of art.
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