It is with a sad heart that we must bid farewell to our beloved Tasha Tudor who passed away today at the age of 92. She has been such an influence and inspiration to me as an artist. I feel very fortunate to have been lucky enough to have met her, watch her sketch (effortlessly!) and to walk in her beautiful gardens. I am blessed by friendships I've made because of Tasha.

Our deepest condolences to her family. All of the Corgis here at Reinwood have their little heads bowed in her honor and are sending up 'Arooooooooooos' to accompany her on her journey where I'm sure all of her Corgis will be running to greet her as she crosses the rainbow bridge. I envision Tasha in heaven having tea with Beatrix Potter and making preparations for her 1830's wedding to a Connecticut sea captain. Naturally, all invitations will be delivered via Sparrow Post. What fun she will have actually serving her Dundee cake to St. Nicholas himself! I can see Advent wreaths hanging from frothy white clouds and Tasha's garden where angels will dance. And Corgis. Lots of Corgis.

(photos by Richard Brown)
I will say goodnight leaving you with a portion of one of Tasha's favorite quotes:
Fra Giovanni's Salutation (1513 AD)
I salute you.
There is nothing I can give you which you have not,
but there is much that while I cannot give,
you can take.
No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.
Take heaven.
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
Take peace.
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.
Take joy.
Farewell, Tasha. Godspeed. -CS ^..^
p.s. Tasha's family has established a memorial book if you would like to sign it.
I too an so saddened by her passing. she was such an original, and such an inspiration to me as well. Your art is lovely by the way, so fun and whimsical.
Speechlessly saddening day for all corgi lovers :( RIP, Tasha.
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