I have been so blessed over the years to have met so many wonderful people through my artwork and through having Corgis. I can't even begin to tell you all of the warm fuzzies I get when someone tells me how something I've created has become a part of their lives every day or for their holiday traditions each year. I cherish every email, note and photo that has come my way over the years. I especially love the Corgi photos! All of them mean so much to me. Corgi people are the best! There is something about being an animal lover, especially a Corgi lover that makes us kindred spirits I think. We understand each other. We know that when we walk in the door our zany Corgis are going to great us as enthusiastically as Dino on the Flintstones. We know the cuteness of the Corgi lying on its back with its four short little legs in the air coaxing a tummy rub. We know that little frog-legged Corgi splat. And, no matter what kind of dog or cat you may have, we all know that look that says, 'I love you.' (Now feed me!) Yesterday I received the nicest bunch of photos and a little video clip from the wonderful McTurk family in Australia: Grant, Sue, Zak, Chloe and Toy their Corgi. Thanks so much, you guys are the best!
(**Note: if my blog music is playing, just scroll down to the red playlist box on the left of the blog and hit the pause button to turn off the music until the video clip is done.)
Oooh...yes, one more thing? Tanya over at Sunday Baker pointed out a fun new feature here on Blogger, the Followers List. I just added it to my sidebar. Just click on the link and add yourself! I love knowing who pops in to say hello, and as Tanya said, I do appreciate everyone who takes time to visit during their busy day. I think I will have a little Followers Giveaway surprise as well once we have enough little pictures up there! Have a happy day everyone! -CS ^..^
Awww, how neat! I feel a special kinship with other corgi owners as well, although I rarely meet them. Like I said before, I was so excited when I found your blog!
I love reading about your Corgis and Corgis friends. I never knew a think about that breed until I found your blog!
OK, I am going to try again to get on your Followers List. When I just tried, it didn't seem to want me! I try again! Dana
I just tried again and it says "web page can't be found"--something like that. :-( dana
Hi everyone, OK well, I'm trying to figure out why the 'followers' gadget isn't working. Thanks for letting me know! ^..^ Cat ^..^
I agree that corgi people are kindred spirits! There are so many things endearing in our corgis (every stubborn streak included), that I often find myself reading someone else's corgi blog and nodding my head, thinking "yep, just like Bryson".
I also want to be a follower once you get that side-bar-thingy figured out!
Hurray, the "follow this blog" button is working now! (((Corgi Hugs To All!))) Cat ^..^
when we went to Mt. Rushmore last year, I sent family & friends your Corirushmore postcards. They still all have them on their refrigerators! We have 2 tri corgis and there is no other breed for me.
Have you seen MyCorgi.com?
Hehe. "I love you (now feed me!)". That is so true! You definitely have to own a Corgi to really understand what we mean when we say they're total goofballs (but heartwarming companions as well). :D
I love the idea of a follower giveaway! What a great idea!
PS: I love your blog. :D
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