I love Christmas decorations. We don't have the room to actually display all of our decorations at the same time. I rotate the ones I will display every year and I rarely decorate the same way twice. Many of the decorations themselves, however, are cherished vintage decorations that belonged to my grandmother. Some are scratched up or missing tops. It doesn't matter to me. I think it adds to their charm. I love to mix the new and the old. I took this photo of one of the decorated shelves ( I will share more decorations with you as the days go by) in black and white, just to see how it looked in that vintage light. Pretty cool, right? You can click on the photos to enlarge them if you like. Some of my favorite things are on this shelf. The little blue elf was given to me by my Brownie Girl Scout leader. That little Santa pin with the holly leaves I've had since then as well. Pulling its bell would make the nose light up. I wonder if it still works? The whiskers on the elf and the Santa have both since rubbed off, but they are still beautiful in my eyes. They hold cherished memories for me. Here's a photo of the same kitschy little shelf in color. What else can I tell you about it? Well, those little stockings in the corner belonged to cherished pets. The angel with the styrofoam ball head was made by my daughter when she was 4 (where
does the time go?) that little box of ornament hangers is not a mistake. I've kept it all of these years because it was in the box of my grandma's stuff. It is from Woolworth's and this particular box cost .23cents :) ! I miss Woolworths. ( Sigh.)The photo in the center is of Jimmy Stewart and Karolyn Grimes as George and Zuzu Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life. It is my favorite movie. It is my husband's as well. This is the scene where George takes Zuzu's petals and puts them in his pocket. Karolyn Grimes signed this photo for us a couple of years ago. She is a wonderful lady. It is snowing here today. A lot. There is a fire in the wood stove. The Corgis are all fast asleep. My laundry is done. We have a bowl full of Hershey kisses. Life is good. Life is good. CS ^..^
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