What a wonderful day we had yesterday! We started out at our 'Wicked workshop' where the dance captain of Wicked and a few other actors taught the girls some singing and choreography from the show. It was such a pleasure to have these wonderful actors (who were very glad to be back to work after the 19 days of the strike) sharing their craft with us with great professionalism and enthusiasm. After our workshop they had 4 shows (including ours!) to do for this weekend. Wicked was wonderful; simply wonderful. Of course, as a Corgi person, when I think of Wicked on Broadway, my thoughts always turn to Deb Shindle's lovely "Deidre," CH. Americas, CH. Caribe, MBISS, MBIS, CH. Riverside Wicked Wonderful, CGC.
After lunch and the show, we were determined to see the tree and wanted to run into the American Girl store. Yeah, right. The first Saturday after the tree lighting, and we think we are going to 'run' anywhere around Manhattan. Forget it. It was wall to wall people and shopping bags. Here's a quick shot of the outside of Radio City, all decked out for their 75th Anniversary. Above you can see my blurry shot of the tree, taken from the back of the plaza. While the view from the front with the rink and angels is fantastic, there was no way to make it to the front and still make our train. We hurried to the American Girl Doll store but there was a long line just to get in! Amazing. So we opted to make a dash for the next train home. We made it home in time to attend the 7:30 mass and then we headed to our dear friends' house for "The Lighting." You can read about the lighting in my last year's December post by clicking on this blog's archives. It was as spectacular as ever. What could be better than good friends and family, good food and a magnificent Christmas display? I will tell you that I fell asleep last night as soon as my head hit the pillow. This morning we awoke to snow! Here's Bridget among the first dusting... 

I know the Corgis and everone here will have a grand time enjoying the snow. Well, maybe all except my husband who is wiring some roping and lights to the house right now! Have a lovely day everyone! -CS ^..^
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