"Why is this little Corgi holding a pineapple" you ask? He told me that he would like you to follow in his little pawprints down to Florida! On January 3rd, 2008, the Sunshine Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club is having their Annual Specialty Show. The Show Chair is Lesley Hammar. Lesley has been working harder than Santa's elves on lots of wonderful details all year in order to welcome everyone to a fantastic show. I am thrilled to be a small part of it. Lesley asked me to do a painting for their raffle reflecting her theme of friendship and hospitality. Here it is! (below) The green border is not on the actual painting, but on the wonderful tee shirts that are ready to go home with Corgi lovers at the show. The actual painting is on an 8" x 10" gallery wrapped canvas. There are Corgis painted on the sides in my signature style. There are really fun dog brushes and other items for trophies which I have painted as well as a 5" x 5" original for Best Of Breed. I don't want to spoil the surprise for the winners so I will wait to post pictures of them until after the show. There is also a wonderful quilt made by Judy West, in the raffle. If you would like a chance (or two or three!) to own this Original painting or the lovely quilt while supporting the Sunshine Pembroke Welsh Corgis and their wonderful club, information is posted below! Winning an Original painting would be a Corgi-riffic way to start the New Year! -CS ^..^

http://www.sunshinepwcc.com/(click on 'events' on the Sunshine site for their premium list and to see the raffle flyer!)
Raffle Items:
~Original 8 x 10 painting by Cathy Santarsiero "The Fruit Of Friendship Begins With a Warm Welcome"
~Breed motif Handmade quilt by Sunshine member Judy West
3 for $10.00 or 7 for $20.00
Make check payable to SPWCC and mail to:
Maggi Payne
13340 Queen Palm Run
North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
Or contact at (239) 995-0312
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