"Life isn't long enough to do all you could accomplish. And what a privilege even to be alive. In spite of all the pollutions and horrors, how beautiful this world is.
Supposing you only saw the stars once every year. Think what you would think. The wonder of it!"--Tasha Tudor

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One World One Heart Blog Event


This is my first time participating in this lovely blog event. It is hosted by Lisa over at A Whimsical Bohemian. I love the whole idea of this event! Do stop by her blog and read all about it. I thought since my blog and art business is called The Christmas Corgi that I would offer one of my signature wool felt hand stitched and needle felted Christmas Corgi ornaments, similar to the one in this nifty photo. I know that there were a few people who wanted one of these at Christmas and didn't get one. I had wacked my finger really well and tore the tendon in my right hand, taking a little piece of the bone with it. It still is a bit wonky, but it is getting better. We'll see what the orthopedist says at this week's appointment. Anyway, enough of my phalange woes. If you like my little Corgi and want one for your very own, all you need to do is leave a comment here on this post. That's it! For those of you who may not know what a Corgi is (horrors!) think Queen Elizabeth's little sidekicks. Big ears, no tails, small dogs the color of foxes. Think Tasha Tudor. They are truly enchanted magical wee beasties. Legend tells us that they are faerie steeds found by children in Wales. I can't imagine not having a Corgi, and now you can too :) Here's what the backs of my Corgi ornaments look like:

His little furry 'pants' as we call them, are needle felted from wonderful wool from a friend's sheep. The wool felt used for the entire piece is wonderful. There are embroidered touches on the ornament as well. This little Corgi is made with love from my own original pattern. On February 15th as soon as I get my act together (ie: menagerie fed, errands done, blah blah blah...) the old random number generator will choose a winner from the comments below. Comments made up through the announcement of the winner will be included in the drawing. Good luck and thanks for stopping by! xo xo Cathy ^..^


Lynn Stevens said...

to darn cute, love your blog and Love to win your sweetie! please sign me up and stop on by mine too #86

LeeAnn said...

What an adorable Corgi! Count me in.

Please come visit me too - #1059.


mrnglry said...

What a sweet gift! Please include me in your drawing.

Grace in California's Mother Lode


My listing is spot #1028 in the giveaway - Please visit!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

OMG that is adorable!! I love it! Please enter my name and come visit y blog to enter mine as well.
OWOH #978

Bettina Groh said...

I'd love to win one... so please enter me in the drawing.
If I don't win... maybe you swap for one of my hedgehogs after wards? I'm at #3

Jodaeodesign said...

Too cute for words. Please include me in your drawing.

Tarnished Rose said...

I would love to have a Corgi of my very own! Please enter me.


Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Cathy, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love Corgy. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


Amy said...

This is wonderful! I love dogs...and Corgis have such great personalities!

What a wonderful and clever creation! Thank you so much for your giveaway!

Amy, OWOH #680/681

Vicki Boster said...

adorable - how creative youare to make this little cutie! He can definately come and live with me!


Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

Cutie Wutie! Fly by and say hello to the Divas at 719! Jan

Anonymous said...

Cute little Corgi!

comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

Amanda31Gifts said...

Love your cute little Corgi! Please enter me in your giveaway!! Thanks so much! Amanda


ps - visit me at # 1031, thanks!

Jona Panesa said...

so cute! please enter me in your drawing and drop by my blog too if you haven't. #955 on the magic carpet!

Sandy said...

Fantastic giveaway! I love it.
Your work is brilliant.

Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#59 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :D

okanagan_spirit said...

Cathy your Corgi felting is sooo cute, please add my name to your draw. Thanks

Regina said...

Swooping in today from Alabama to see YOU!! What a journey I have had so far on my Magic Carpet Ride. So many wonderful people...so many talented artist (and oh my some kindred spirits found)

All the wonderful giveaways...I have always believed that any gift made or given from the heart to another is giving a piece of yourself. I would be honored if you would enter my name.

Please stop by my place, Southern Ooaks #760, on your next ride. Have some Sweet Iced tea...look around and then enter for one of my gifts from the heart.


Deirdra Doan said...

YOur art is so cute and oh Corgies...My corgi had 4 puppies once...
Come see my doll giveaway.

azviatx said...

Cathy: I LOVE CORGIS. Queen or no Queen, Corgis are the coolest. I've been on the rescue roster in my part of Arizona for 3 years. Not too many of the breed here. I don't really want a puppy, an older dog would suit our household better. Yes, I want the ornie. It would go well with the pics and one stuffed animal I have. What a great and unique gift you are sharing with those following the OWOH event. Thank you. Tina

Shirley Cook - Jumping Jack Glass said...

Being the owner of 2 Jack Russell terriers, there's no way I could have another creature feature jumping around my house. But I love your Corgi - and this little sweetie would be very easy to care for. So thank you for including me in your giveaway! :-)

Pat de Verre said...

Bonjour Cathy From French Riviera,
Thanks to Lisa's OWOH, it is on of the greatest opportunity to discover a lot of differents blogs and to meet numerous new friends.
Please add my name in your hat to have a chance of wining your fantastic giveaway and don't forget to stop your magic carpet by my blog.
Pat de Verre #923 OWOH


JivesJools said...

Hey there! Great giveaway!

Please count me in! Feel free to stop by my blog to check out my giveaway! Hope you had a great weekend...
Much Love

Janis Sheppard said...

Cathy, I would be thrilled to have one of your corgi ornaments. It's obvious every one is made with love for your wee ones. Love the photos of the puppies in the snow. Please kiss them all on the nose for me.

Lisa Gatz said...

That is the cutest ornament! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I used to have a corgi, I have a sweet pug now, she has been with us 10 yrs.! Please enter me into your draw! Tracy bragginrightsbath@live.com Houston, TX Feel free to stop by: #783

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i would love to have a corgi! this one is so cute! pls count me in!

Juli said...

What a cute corgi!

Leah said...

He is beautiful!! Count me in too please! Pop in and enter my giveaway if you have a moment!

Wanda Maria said...

Greetings from NW Arkansas!!! What a cool giveaway! Please enter me into your drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56 :)

Carapace said...

Unbelievably adorable! Corgis are the greatest dogs, so full of personality- and you've captured that perfectly!
Glad you joined the Ride!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21

Linda B said...

oooh delightful! we had a Pembroke when I was a tot, I would love to win this...I think my mum would cry, she loved Dillo

Lauren R said...

Hello, nice to meet you and visit your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway, Please visit my blog to enter #865!

Stitchety Grub said...

Hah - soooo cute - luv him!
Please include me and come see my giveaway at #75

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Wow, what a stunning giveaway!! Love your Corgi!
Ouch! Hope your finger gets better soon!
Off to have another look at your fabby blog!
You are welcome to visit my Blog and enter my giveaway. #1041
Jan x

Zil said...

I enjoy your blog and your artwork. Please enter me as well.


gpc said...

Your corgi is adorable! Are they good with young children, or more of an adult doggie? And how terrible about your hand, what a trauma!

I enjoyed visiting your blog and hope you continue to heal!


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Dear Cathy, it's a pleasure to meet you! What an ADORABLE little Corgi. I LOVE Tasha Tudor and I love doggies. Corgis are so cute. Your entire etsy shop is filled wit lovelies (the hedgehog is great, too!). I'd love for you to come and visit with me:
Theresa #263 OWOH

Mezzodrama said...

How adorable! Please enter me in your drawing. I would love to be able to buy your pattern too.

Julie Ann said...

Ahhh!! How precious!!! Corgi's are right up there on my list of favorite puppies!! Please count me in :)

ClassyChassy said...

I'd love to win too - please enter me as well!!!

Sherry said...

Hi Cathy, hope your finger is getting better. Love your corgi! Thanks for the chance of your giveaway, I hope you can come see mine here (if you haven’t already!)

Sherry from England, UK (ticket #251)

Paperfanatic said...

Hi from Ireland. This is one of the cutest little guys I have seen. My friend has a corgi and would love this. please count me in.

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

Bailey is cute, as is your needle felted Corgi! LOVE HIM! Thank you for flying!
Rebecca #833

Diane said...

Love your corgi! Please count me in. Thanks!

E.J. Stevens said...

My corgi Maya always has her own Christmas tree (and stocking and plate fully of biscuits for Sandy Claws, lol!) and this would be wonderful to add to her collection of doggy/corgi decorations. I would love a chance to win!


Maggie R said...

Hi...I'm wind blown as I just flew in on the Magic Carpet from Canada....What a ride! what a fun time....
I have enjoyed your blog.
Your giveaway is lovely. Thank you so much for adding my name for a chance to win..
Fly over to my blog to enter for a beaded bracelet.. I am #362

FiberArtisttoo said...

Oh My God, it's a Corgi..... That is what I am saying as my husband tries to pull me away from the petrified owner's who are sure they are being stalked. I have a Corgi Larkin and I am totally nuts about him. I have seen your work and I love it. Please put me on your list. My blog is #651 and you can find several pics of Larkin on it.

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, how wonderful that you are participating in OWOH! I have been trying my best to ma it to EVERY stop!!

Marilee said...

I hear her saying - she wants to pack her bags for a trip to Oregon!
Gosh, she's a cutie!

Marilee said...

I hear her saying - she wants to pack her bags for a trip to Oregon!
Gosh, she's a cutie!

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

i heart your blog and the doggie...count me in please...isn't this fun?? it is so great to meet you....please visit my blog and have a chance to win a handmade clutch purse...i live on a tiny island off florida's east coast USA...hugs and blessings, Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva

AlwaysInspired said...

I love your little beastie! Just as adorable as the real thing! Please count me in!
Please come and join in my magic carpet ride too!http://inspiringadventuresofalwaysinspired.blogspot.com/

Shai Williams said...

I just love Corgi. Such personality in a squat little body.

Please enter me :)


Birgit said...

Hi there,

Once in a while you come across a giveaway prize and you think -- oh my gosh, isn't that the cutest thing ever? Yup, that's what happened to me right now. That Corgi is simply corgi-est! :)

If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 849

Kit said...

I love him. I think he wants to come home with me. Please count me in your drawing and if you'd like come by my blog as well.

Heather Robinson said...

I really did get excited to see your Christmas Corgi. My Aunt had corgis and I have a real soft spot for them. This fellow has a glint of mischief in his eye. I'd be delighted to have the opportunity to welcome to Canada.

Hope said...

your Corgi is just to darned cute!

Everyday Kathy said...

Cute! I’d love to win!
Thank you for a lovely stop on the magic carpet!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
#111 on the blog hop

baukje said...

Your corgi is welcome here in France.


birrrd said...

My best friend in high school had a Corgi...man I loved that dog! It was so sweet! Nice blog and thanks for the chance to win.

Alice Stroppel said...

cute for sure please enter my name.
stop by my blog to sign up to win my crazy girl bracelet. ticket holder #807


Carole Burant said...

Oh yes, please, enter my name for your lovely giveaway. I would so love to win your delightful little Corgi!! If you haven't already, come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox

Take care of that hand and hopefully it will be completely healed soon!!

Jingle said...

He is simply adorable! How very fun! Thanks for offering a great giveaway! I hope you stop by and enter mine, as well! (#222)

blissfulsally said...

Owning a Corgi is on my wish list for next July. I love the sweet Corgi!

FairlyGirly said...

Hi, he is so cute, my son will love him, thanks for the chance to win. Fly over to my blog and enter mine.

Ksenia said...

Greetings from Moldova!
Gorgeous giveaway!!!!Corgi is so cute...
OWOH #138

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I definitely need a Corgi to watch over my castle! Please include me in your giveaway. Hope you can stop by my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #344

(Hope your finger is better soon)

Willa said...

Oh, dear. My "nephew" is a corgi.

Please include me!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Every corgi lover in the world will want to jump in on this bandwagon dear Cat!
Your little creation is just too darling for words.
I have high hopes.......!

carylsrealm said...

Darling! Please include my name!

SpiritMama said...

That's so cute!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your drawing.

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Please enter my name, thank you.

K said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

Debbie said...

this is just too cute.... please enter me

Unknown said...

Sooo very sweet! I LOVE this wee Corgi! And your blog is darling! Even the music is sooo wonderful! There is something very Tasha Tudor-ish about your creations, very enchanting and it takes you to another world! Love it, and nice to meet you!

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations,
Enchanting Christmas Corgi Needle Felted OWOH Giveaway!
Lovely Work & Blog.

For a little Glitter & Magic fly by my blog
#242 On The List @:

Cosmic Blessings´¨)
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Lyndy Ward

personalized xmas ornaments said...

Generally in Zambia, whether in the village or in towns/cities, people express their love and appreciation by giving gifts. These may not necessarily be flowers but could be anything that one feels they are able to give away. The modern Zambian has adopted the western way where flowers, chocolate and teddy bears etc, are presented to their loved ones.

Deann LMFT said...

Oh my, what a little cutie pie! Great giveaway!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Who wouldn't want one of your amazingly cute Corgis??? A loving home awaits!! Please enter me in this great giveaway and thank you for the chance.


Nereashop said...

very cut

Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.
OWOH #598
Monica from Italy

geni said...

Hi Cathy,
Love this event that made it possible to learn about your blog!
Nice of you to visit mine (#7) at Loose Ends!
Thank you for the chance to become a happy owner of your giveaway.
Smiles from the Netherlands!

Aelyn said...

He (or is it a she?) is absolutely adorable. I would love to be entered to win this giveaway.

Do stop by mine when you can.

OWOH #931

KnutzEls said...

Thank your for visiting my blog. It is so nice to meet other bloggers and to see what they are writing about.

Debby said...

Oh, how sweet is your giveaway, would love to be entered.

Rusted Wings said...

what a lovely offering! love corgis!!
please drop by my blog #774!

Lelia said...

What a wonderful dog! Please add my name into your drawing

leliaevelyn at gmail dot com
OWOH #888

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Aw, I love that little Corgi ornie! This is a wonderful giveaway and I would be thrilled to win it.

Anonymous said...

Love your Corgi ornament! Please count me in :)

Trayna said...

How cute is that! I love it. I would love a chance to win please. Thank you for your generosity. Come see me at #1050

Alice Regan said...

Great giveaway! Count me in! There are so many talented people on this Magic Carpet Ride; it's been fun visiting and being so inspired.
If you can, pop on over to #395; that's me!

angelandspot said...

So cute!
~Cassie angelandspot(at)yahoo.com

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

TOOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!!~~~I LOVE THIS!!!! It is just TOO wonderful! I'm number 295!~~~XXOO, Beth

Debb said...

I love corgis I have one her picture on my other blog. I would love to win this cute corgi, count me in You can see my corgi at http://debkgs.blogspot.com
and if you like to enter to win little wendy I'm #676

dana said...

For some reason, I missed the part that you injured yourself!! You poor Corgi Mamma! I hope all is healing and you will soon be able to easily create many more of your adorable Corgi designs. BTW.....you are spending WAAAAYY toooo much time on FB and not enough time with your blog! ;)

Hope those precious pups are doing well! Dana

robin westenhiser said...

Awesome work! Thanks from Tucson, robin

Tamara C said...

"Supposing you only saw the stars once every year. Think what you would think. The wonder of it!"
— Tasha Tudor. I love Tasha Tudor and I LOVE your sweet corgie ornament! Please do enter me and will wish upon the stars this night that I win! Hugs, Tamara :)

jamaise said...

Corgi's are my favorite dog - don't tell my fox terrier- and your Christmas Corgi basket is adorable!
I hope you'll visit Wishing Penny #916

Betty Boogie said...

Oh He's soooo cute!! and I am one of those people that didn't know what a Corgi was, so I learned something today thanks to you. Stop in and see me if you get a chance #1029

Arya said...

What a super fabulous giveaway! Thanks for making my carpet ride a fantastic one!


Glassgrrl Studios said...

So cute. I must confess your blog immediately made me think of my husband, who has a childhood issue with Corgis - something about growing up in Wales and be chased down the mountain by Corgis whilst doing his paper route. Wouldn't this little ornament be a perfect commemoration of his heritage? ;)

Suzanne said...

You know I want one and we are very good friends aren't we..LOL!!!

Bibi said...

Awww, corgis are so cute! I'd love one of my own :)

Tumbleweed Trails said...

How absolutley adorable. So darling. Your giveaway is terrific! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.

visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com

Mila said...

Hi Cathy and thank you for stopping by :)!Great giveaway!
Pls count me in!I promise:here in Tuscany (Italy) your Corgi will be beloved!
Mila :)

JennaLouiseCreates said...

I hope I am the lucky winner. Thanks for participating and do stop over and enter my drawing:) Jenna Louise

Jasmine said...

Pleased to meet you Cathy. This Corgi is terrific. So sweet. is he crafted from felt? xJ

quiltnmaryf said...

So, so cute! Sorry to hear of your injury. Hope you heal fast!

Carole said...

That is too cute. I'd love a chance to win.

If you haven't had the chance please stop by my blogs #987 and #1100 to say hello.

Happy travels!

Marie S said...

Oh my goodness what a darling dog, please count me in.
When you get a chance, fly by my blog on your magic carpet. I OWOH #907.
It is so very very nice to meet you.
Thank you for participationg in OWOH.

Diana S said...

he's so cute!
Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
I will back to visit after the event.

Mallory said...

I love it! Count me in :)

VintageCrafter said...

Hi Cathy! Your little corgi is adorable! I love him already. Please count me in for your giveaway as I would be thrilled to win!

Christine said...

What a precious corgi. It truly is made with love :)

flyingbeader said...

I'm at work late tonight & about bust the gut when I saw that adorable corgi! My BFF has one & Tugger is adorable.


Shariyah said...

Sweet, please throw my name in! And feel free to enter my drawing as well #135...Peace & Love from New Zealand

Maybeads said...

Total cuteness! I'd love to be entered! Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

Saskia said...

'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...

Oooh... I can give this little Corgi a lovely new home! :) Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)


carol l mckenna said...

Cathy thanks so much for stopping by my blog ~ Love your blog & your corgi ~ would love to win the needlefelted one ~ namaste

artmusedog #285

Just Jenn Designz said...

Greetings from Virginia.
Oh wow... I just love your cute little Corgi! He is sooo adorable.
And what a great blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

That's so cute! And I hope your hand heals up fast :)

sassypackrat said...

So sorry to hear about your hand! Best wishes for fast healing. I say if the Corgi is good enough for the Queen than it's good enough for me! LOL! Seriously though your Corgi is just adorable and I'd love to win him!
I'm #390 on the ride.

Shazza said...

he is a cutie, count me in please

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

So cute!! Hope your hand feels better.

Thanks for the chance to win.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

martha brown said...

I love this corgi ornament! (I have a Westie who might have some Corgin in him too!)Please enter me into your draw -- thank you!!!
~martha (#180)

Zoe said...

Lovely giveaway! So cute! Please enter my name, thank you :)

Please visit my blog at #711 on the magic carpet to win a designer Cath Kidston bag, handmade by me!

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Please include me in your giveaway!
Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun!

Deborah Ann said...

Flying in from Wisconsin...

Your giveaway is heavenly! Please enter me in the draw, and if you get a chance, fly over to my blog (#922) to win my necklace! Well, I'm on my way to the next magical destination...

Hugs and Happiness,
Heavenly Humor

MaryAnn said...

Corgis rule! I have two and it always fun to meet more. Great artwork and wonderful blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

I have 3 corgis! 2 belong to my daughter but spend most of their time here with me! I love the ornament and check your blog all the time! There is no dog like a corgi! Thanks for the snow pictures recently, too.

Yasmin Sabur said...

Hello from southern California. Good to have you as a traveling companion on the journey. One World, One Heart.

ardith said...

Woof Woof- he so needs to join the menagerie here! I love him. What a darling wee beastie! Please toss my name into your hat and if you'd like pop over to mine. #983

Tina Leavy said...

what a fun giveaway!such a precious corgi ornament. so adorable. thanks for the opportunity. I too am hostessing a giveaway I hope you'll stop by. So nice to meet you.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've always loved corgis, and when I saw the name of your blog, just had to check it out. To win a darling corgi would be so much fun. I hope your hand is better by now.

My OWOH stop on the magic carpet ride is # 79. Please stop by.

ladyb1 said...

Cute.... please include me in your draw. susancellis@yahoo.com #710

Eva said...

How sweet! Nice work. And thanks so much for visiting my blog earlier.

Lady Artisan

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I have two shelties but we also love, love, love Corgi's!!! Your giveaway is awesome!!! I would love to be the winner...please include me. Then come on over and enter mine too!

(#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

Anonymous said...

Mine is a dogless household (for a little while longer, at least), but we have a soft spot for corgis. :)

nologic said...

The corgi is adorable. Please include me in your drawing.

Kansas Amy said...


Please enter me for the great OHOW giveaway! I would love to win!
Thanks for letting me visit!

You are so talented!

Stop by to visit me sometime..... http://creativeinkansas.blogspot.com

Flora said...

OH!!!! Please add me to this adorable drawing!!!
#152- Bone*Head*Studios

mitz said...

this is ** corgi-tabulous ** thanks for the opportunity.. t c

susanna said...

Well, your giveaway has me grinning tonight. Your corgi is very cute...actually, he looks rather dapper and ready to go out for a walk in the snow. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you. :) Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day this weekend.

Gracie "Neky White" said...

lovely giveaway! Please count me in.
Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already (i'm #481) =D

Let's continue the ride on the magic carpet!

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your wonderful drawing! I'm #206 on the magical OWOH ride! Please come visit if you haven't already! Lisa :)

Kim Mailhot said...

What a sweet sweet Corgi ! Thanks for the chance to win him ! I hope your finger heals well and quickly.And that it let you type enough to visit all these great blogs ! Happy OWOH !

CathyH said...

Hi Cathy, love your Corgi! so cute! hope your fingers are ok, good golly!
Best wishes from Tennessee #1035

Lydia said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. Love it :)

Lydia (Beauty Will Surely Save the World)

OWOH #1055


ozlynda said...

Hello Cathy from Victoria, Australia
Love your little corgi but I do hope your finger is up to making one.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks Lynda

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win, its lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada. http://triannastreasures.blogspot.com

Flor Larios Art said...

Great! Thanks! Please come to my blog and participate in mine #626.
Good Luck to both of us!

Gini said...

He's a gorgeous Fox in Socks!!
Would love to win him.

Please count me in.
I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away here
Thank you so much for your generosity and I hope you have a wonderful year blogging with all your new friends.
Gini (Entry #1040)
A Little Bit of Shiny Blog

julietk said...

Hi visiting on the last day of OWOH what a lovely idea and post you have. I love Corgy. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too

Kate said...

Adorable! Thanks for the entry. I'm #836 http://evolutionofagardener.wordpress.com/ .

Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name. :0) I am also having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by and enter. #1025

Michaele Sommerville said...

The corgi is adorablHope you've been able to drop by my giveaway too: http://kidney-garden.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-2010-this-familys.html

Michaele (michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com)

Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Marie said...

How gorgeous and real wool! Wonderful gift for someone, hopefully me.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH necklace giveaway

Debbie said...

Adorable work as always Cathy. Hope your hand heals up very soon.


Anonymous said...

Just adorable! Please enter my name!

manda said...

What a great giveaway! That corgi is just adorable! I would love to have him out all year round! Count me in! Hope you're enjoying the magic carpet ride so far!


martha Lee Asarisi said...

very cute

sweetdaisydreams said...

what a lovely giveaway.thank you for dropping by mine and please add my name,.love from Glenda

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

OMG!!! My nephew is a Corgi named Bailey!!!! Thanks for stopping by my Creekhiker blog!

OWOH #100-102

pinkglitterfae said...

Corgis rule! and what a sweet little giveaway prize, I would be so happy to win!
thanks so much for adding my name to your draw
I am # 650 if you get a chance to drop by

DellaRae said...

What a cute ornament. I would love to have him..so whimsical. Please count me in!

Annette Tait said...

delighted to enter Cathy for your little corgi.
How does your rescue rabbit get on with all your corgis?

a pink dreamer said...

hi! i'm eleni from greece! thank you for visiting my blog!
your blog is fantastic!

Fiona said...

You are corgi mad! What a cute giveaway. I'll be back soon to take a closer look at your blog. Thanks for visiting me.

moi said...

Great giveaway!

Hugs, moi


fran said...

Adorable! Please include my name in your drawing. Thanks for dropping by mine, too!

Susan said...

Cathy-Love your felt ornament. Such detail! Have a great day Susan

Digital Misfit said...

That is just the cutest corgi ever!
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
Hugs from ON, Canada

Kathy L said...

Awww I love your giveaway. I hope your figner is better! Please enter me.

I have 3 retired racing greyhounds but I do think Corgis are too darn cute!

Marie Rayner said...

How utterly ADORABLE! I would sure love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks so much!

Laurie said...

Oh, my friends just had a litter or corgis - 8 little puppies - 2 days ago! I would love to win your giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win it! I hope you'll come by my blog and enter my giveaway, #95!

Have fun riding the magic carpet!

Chris said...

Very cute! I'd love to win!

AtomicWarBride said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I have a short-legged dog (mutt) so I understand the love! :) Viva short legged dogs!! :) Please sign me up!!! And please check out my blog for more OWOH action!!

-Rita #934

Mimi said...

Love the corgi!

Stop by my blog to enter OWOH # 653.

Ginny said...

So darling

Linda said...

How wonderful so cute, all our paws and fingers are crossed, Pop me in the hat please, and visit theres still time,to enter my giveaway via flyingcarpet. Linda :)

Linda said...

I'm having trouble with comments today, so ill try again, That lil chap is adorable we are keeping paws and fingers crossed, Pop me in the hat please, and visit theres still time,to enter my giveaway via flyingcarpet. Linda :)

Kim said...

Great idea. Thanks for the giveaway.

Diana Meade said...

Please enter my name in your cute, cute giveaway, although, I would love to have one of your little precious puppies! So adoable. I am following your blog now so I can keep up with them. Thanks for visiting my blog too.

Ursistahjojo said...

Happy Valentine's Day, my Sweet. I love you and yours. Especially the ones with fur. Love your decoration too. Here's hoping . . . And hope your finger is all better.

Unknown said...

very cute corgi :)

misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder

Speak To Me said...

What an awesome giveaway! I would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I adore yours. I will be back.


Chatty Crone said...

Happy Valentine's Day ♥ Sandie

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

he's really cute
I have had fun riding on the magic carpet
exploring everyones blog.
Its taking me forever to get thru all the blogs since i am taking time to wonder around each one
carolyn h

nfmgirl said...

hee hee How cute! Please count me in. Thanks so much!


nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

#273 on the Magic Carpet tour (southwest Florida, USA)

Connie said...

so cute! please enter me in your giveaway!

arlette said...

LOL love the corgi, please enter me

Doda said...

That is adorable. I had a corgi when I was a girl!

Christy said...

cute and adorable! i love it! thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

So Cute! Please stop by my blog(#921)!

Darcey said...

How sweet! I hope I'm not too late...trying to make it through the last of the blogs! I don't want to miss anyone, you never know who you may meet!

Brianna said...

Very awesome!


ocmist said...

MY GOODNESS!!! 234 COMMENTS!!! How awesome! Looks like your Corgi was definitely WANTED!!! Great going, Cathy! Linda from Corgi Country