Speaking of new fresh starts, I've been watching my Corgi puppy Harley grow these past weeks. He is a funny little guy. He makes me smile every day. He has big paw prints to fill that the lovely dogs in his line have left behind. Last night when I bathed him, I think he finally dropped the last of his puppy fur. His big boy teeth are in now too. He is growing up! I love having a boy in the house again. The girls are great, but there is just something about a boy. They are sometimes a little more 'mushy' and 'lovey' to me.

Do take a peek over in my Etsy shop for a little something new as well! Two new prints plus a fresh new supply of some favorites are in stock. I've also listed a few on eBay as well. The Hedgie Hullabaloo in my previous post is now available in a signed fine art print as well as this new one which I call "Curiouser and Curiouser" It is Corgis set in Alice in Wonderland!

(click ebay icon for my listings there)
Take a peek! Enjoy this week! xo xo
I'm always so glad when you post.
So happy that Harley has made your hearts happy again. Our two are ten and twelve now....we use stools for them to get into bed and chairs, and are lifting them into the car now.
There you are!!! And I love your new corgi and your new painting--just wonderful:-) Update the Clunes soon plz.
I feel the calm that you are talking about Cathy! It is a wonderful feeling after all of the rush to get ready for Christmas Day. Harley is a cutie!
Happy New Year!
So glad to see your recent post. Happy New Year to you. Your Corgi boy is so handsome! I don't have a Corgi, but do have a lovely Schnoodle girl, but I enjoy your blog so very much. Be well. -Catherine
your Harley is a love. Our Harley (Golden Retriever) has helped us over a recent sorrow too.
Happy New Year!
Your Harley is adorable - I'm so glad that he is helping your hearts heal. Our Harley is doing the same!
Cathy, do you have any suggestions where I might go to find a corgi puppy?
many thanks-
Yes I do Julie! Please visit http://www.pwcca.org which is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Of America. This is your first stop for finding a Corgi! Please browse the site, read about Corgis to make sure they are the breed for you. They are a wonderful breed! There you will find a list of breeders and affiliate clubs from which you can be assured follow a strict code of ethics. Most of us are also involved in helping our regional clubs with rescue, which is another fantastic option. Please resist the urge to get a dog from a pet store as they are all from puppy mills, regardless of what they tell you. Get a Corgi from a breeder and you will have someone to turn to for the life of your dog and who cares about the integrity, health, happiness and preservation of the breed. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! I love to talk about Corgis. Warmly, Cathy
Jody, not Julie! Sorry, haven't had my coffee yet! lmao xo xo
Oh Cathy, your drawings are just wonderful but your boy in the towel - FABULOUS. Yes, there is something about the boys, as I found with my rescue Beagles and Bassets. I am dogless at present and would love a Corgi but don't know how they would take to apartment life. I have loved Corgis since I discovered Tasha Tudor. Great blog!
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