Say hello to my little friend Twiggy who is hanging around in my studio for Halloween. Yes, she has a tinsel boa around her neck. (Don't you judge me!)

Someone really needs to feed her. (hee hee)
Here is Bailey posing with my newest creation. Bailey just turned 14 years old a couple of weeks ago. I think she really misses Indy and Bridget. It makes me sad. Stella and Amy literally run circles around her and I think they make her crazy. They are wicked Corgi imps.

Bailey got prime rib on her birthday. ♥ She said it was pure bliss. Which leads me to my painting. I've entitled it simply "Bliss." It looks like a Corgi full of sheer joy and contentment. A little reminder for us all to seek out that which bring joy to our lives. Or as Tasha Tudor always reminded us, to "Take Joy!"

everything is perfect , especially the birthday girl !!!!!
Love the painting! Kisses to Bailey!
Hi Cathy!
I think everything is perfect, especially the Bday Girl , as said Marilise , she is right!
And 14 years old is something more than special ...
And what I think about the piece? ... I really think I w'd like having it myself ...lol could be GREAT in my wall
What a delightful picture, oh my...it totally shows "bliss" and I just love it!
Your old girl is a beauty, and at fourteen each day is precious. Prime rib was well deserved on her birthday!
Bailey has lived a long life! :)
I think I love these. sandie
It is TRULY puppy bliss. I see my sweeties do that all the time, with little doggy smiles on their faces. Love it! :) Theresa
I LOVE IT! Perfectly captures Corgi rapture!
My very favorite! Well, I can't say that! I xoxo them all!!
LOVE it! Can see a whole series of one-word, Corgi-related expressions. Hank sends Corgi birthday kisses to Bailey.
Hello Cathy,
I was checking out some of the new followers to my blog (thank you by the way) and just had to comment on this post. I adore your Bliss. Now we're a kitty family, but kitties have that look too and you have so captured it in a simplicity that is just enchanting! Happy belated birthday to the bowwow beauty!
Thank you for the gaiety you've filled my heart with this morning. :)
Bliss is the perfect name. I love it so much 'cause it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy....
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