While my Corgi prognosticators have determined that there will be six more weeks of Winter, to find out more about the prognosticator of prognosticators, Punxutawney Phil (who has seen his shadow this morning) visit his website where you can make little e-cards like this one. CS ^..^
Corgis are never wrong!!!
I have to agree with Classy...corgis know these things, and 99.9% of the time are corgi correct!
Sweet little ol' card honoring our correct little corgi kids. Cute!
Six more weeks or winter! Thanks! lol Sandie
Sorry, y'all.
FOUR more weeks of winter for me...
'cause I have TWO weeks in Hawaii!
If I can just make it out of IN...to the airport...
we are having horendous weather here...the snowplows are plowing as I write!
Cheryl in IN
I think they were RIGHT! We haven't gotten any snow around here so far, and now I hope we don't because our hay that our neighbor planted in out pastures is starting to come up and I don't want it to freeze! We've gotten a lot of rain and then several days of snow, repeat several times, which is WONDERFUL!
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