These past days I've lit some holiday scented candles (I like to light candles all the time, but especially when I have lots of praying to do...12 years of Catholic school, what can I tell you?) and have had Christmas music playing constantly. It is amazing how you can decorate your heart with Christmas even without a single decoration up. Having said that, I am SO ready to decorate now. I do rotate which ornaments I hang up each year because our place is rather tiny and I love to collect Christmas decorations and things and I'm always making or finding something new to add to my boxes of treasures. Well, they are treasures to me :) It is kind of fun to do that because it never looks the same.
Oh! And "How are the puppies?" you ask? They are two weeks old and doing great. Here's a few photos. I promise to take more. Their eyes are opening and they are really crawling more and more, exploring their whelping box. Most of the time they look like they are in a little Corgi mosh pit. Stella is doing great and is a brilliant mom.

I LOVE, Love, love the puppy pics! We went out to the farm and picked out Chelsea when she was three weeks old. I remember she could barely stand/walk and duggles was concerned that I was adopting a puppy that was mentally deficient! He said "she can't even walk!" I said "Could you walk on gravel when you were three weeks old?" :)
How/where did you get the snow? Love it.
I date my boxes- Christmas 2008, etc., so I know which boxes I used last and that is where I start- with my favorites and then branch out from there...going to the barn today to fetch more Christmas.
Isn't that where Christmas started? In a barn? :)
Holiday Hugs to you!
Cheryl in IN
This Christmas will be especially sweet for you all. What a scare!
Those pups are precious.
Your post was beautifully written Cat. Just so heart felt...bless you all.
Sending positive thoughts your way for the continued improvement of your DIL to be.
OMG those pups are so adorable. When I look at my Emma & Owen it's hard to believe they were ever so tiny and adorable.
~prayers~ for your DIL.
Those puppies are so stinkin' cute!
I hope and pray your DIL gets well soon. And those puppies - oh my - how beautiful.
Prayers coming your way for all of you, Cathy! I'm so glad they were able to get her in the hospital and do something for her.
And puppies...oh, dear, how I love them at this age, fat, crawly wee little beasts! Ariana, Twice and Tori who are not 18 weeks old say they will come baby sit them for you this week. :) Tori would be herding them, Ariana would have on her pink tutu and trying to do the dance of the sugarplum fairy to amuse them with and Twice would be up on the highest furniture with an umbrella, totally convinced she could fly.... whhheeeeee! OK, your time is coming with these babies! We are growing front teeth and so no electic cord is safe.....
Oh Praise God that your DIL is going to be ok!!! We lost our oldest son's wife last January so I know how blessed you are, AND how upset your son was, and we always hurt when our kids are in pain. My prayers for continued quick healing are with you all!
Your pups are just so adorable! Your's look a lot like our Gracie looked at this point. Each of ours were SO different. It's just so much fun watching them change as they grow and finding out about their personalities, too! Have FUN!!!
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