I know, I know. I'm breaking up my Corgi Grooming 101 posts. But it is the weekend.... I just had to post about a couple of movies that I'm so excited about. The first is Julia and Julie, based on Julie Powell's book. Here's the link to the website where you can watch the trailer. My friend Tracy and I used to chat on the phone while watching those PBS episodes of Julia Child and Jacques Pepin cooking together. Completely fun to watch. Tracy is an amazing and inspired cook. Her dad is a rather famous chef so I guess it is in her genes. I hope we can go and see this movie together. It stars Amy Adams as Julie and Meryl Streep as Julia Child. Go and watch the trailer here. I'll wait. Wanna see it now, right? I know! It opens August 7th. Perfect Summer movie.

The other movie which opened yesterday is X-Men Origins: Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman. (ooh la la....) If you are familiar with the X-Men, you will know that the Xavier School For the Gifted is set in Salem Center in Westchester County, NY. Maybe Hugh will knock on my door one day and surprise me? (Oh stop, a girl can dream, can't she?)
Oh Cat! Thanks for the heads up on the Julia/Julie movie, just watched the trailer, and that is one I'm going to see!
Cat! This movie looks so great. I can relate! Perfect for a girls' night out! I can't wait. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! See you at the movies
I sure hope the Mister doesn't read your blog you bad girl! hehehe
Whistling here... Now Wolverine is truly a "drawable" person!!! I'm looking forward to that movie too. It takes to long to download a movie trailer here, but the other movie sounds interesting. Doubt I could get anyone to go with me though... Movie Theaters are to far away.
I am such a big Meryl Streep fan. Did you know she spoke at my college graduation? She was GREAT (read speech here, although you must read it in your head with standard Ms. Streep inflection, I insist: http://www.unh.edu/news/news_releases/2003/may/lg_20030524commencement.html)
Hope you enjoyed Wolverine!
I hadn't heard of the Julia movie either. That ought to be great. She was the queen of cooking for a long time.
I would love to see all of the movies mentioned and especially Julia and Julie. I too loved to watch Julia Child and Jaques Pepin. I hope you have a lovely day ♥
Saw it --loved it--totally swooned!
Can't wait to see the Julia movie either! I just love summer movies...
I'm looking forward to seeing the Julie & Julia too!
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