My friend LaVonne in Montana is having a really nice giveaway on her blog to celebrate and promote the CSA that she is forming. A CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Traditionally a CSA is formed by those who have huge farms. The idea is to get members or subscribers to 'become part of your farm' and reap the benefits of the harvest. Since LaVonne raises sheep, she put a twist on this concept in that she is using her own wool to form this CSA that she has named "Sick and Twisted." After the March shearing, her wool will be spun into a lovely Shetland and Romney cross yarn. I can personally tell you that this wool is lovely, having used it in my own projects. The winner will receive 4 skeins of Serenity Sheep yarn or roving. I hope it is me :) Here is a link to her blog post where you can read more about it and to her etsy shop, which can also be found on her blog. Check the Feb 4 and Jan 31 posts. There's always a link to LaVonne on the sidebar of my blog as well.
On another note, a big bloggy "Thank You" to Linda over at The Briar Rose Gate for this art blog award. Do stop by her blog and check out her lovely work! (Kristen S., she's got Jethro Tull playing.....)
I'm supposed to list seven things I love and then pass it on. Linda picked seven scents she loves. I think I will pick seven things I love about Corgis.
1) The happy nub wag (or tail wag on a Cardi)
2) How happy they are while making tunnels when running through newly fallen snow.
3) Their sixth sense which draws them into the kitchen whenever you open the fridge.
4) When they sleep on their backs with their little legs in the air.
5) Those wonderful ears.
6) Their swishy pants.
7) How they look when they are lying down with their legs in a frog splat, head down on their paws and their eyebrows shift when they are looking around without lifting their heads.
I'm passing this award on to Karen and Emily. Do check out their lovely blogs and artwork!
Have a happy day my little Corgettes! xo xo Cat ^..^
That was the perfect description of a corgi in 7 sentences!
All absolutely true!
You're the bomb, Cat! Thanks so much for your kind words!
For the award and such kind words!
Number 7 is my absolute favorite! When my little girl Belle does that, she can get anything she wants. Its weird, but I love to kiss her soft ears and the top of her head. Corgis are just so darn soft, warm and cuddly cute!
Oh we love your corgi list!
And we SO want a sheep... the whole thing ;o)
M & I
Speaking of weaving yarn, hubby just forwarded this article to me a few days ago:
I'm pretty sure with corgis, you can get yourself a nice sweater woven in no time :)
What a wonderful choice, I bet it was hard to only list 7. Lindax
Nice list of things you love about Corgis - we could all add to the things you named, surely! Enjoyed reading your thoughts!
I Love Corgi's!!!
I just found your blog. I have a cute little 17 mo. old corgi that is best friends with our german shepard!! He is the best and I agree I love that lil corgi butt waddle!!!
Well done indeed! And one of our favorite things is the little "heart" shape on their backsides...do you know what I mean?
This post made me smile! If I didnt love schnauzers so much, I'd have to get a corgi. Any animal that sleeps with their legs stuck straight out is ok by me. :)
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