Today is my Indy's 11th Birthday. A sweeter Corgi you will never find. He even answers to 'Sweetie' when we call him. Here he is with his birthday cupcake (he had two!) and his peanut butter birthday treats. He even got a squishy new furry toy, which will promptly be de-squeaker-fied, I'm sure. Besides warming my heart with love every day, Indy is also my little bed warmer. He is entirely snuggly. He told me that for his birthday, even though he can't warm your bed on these cold Winter nights, he wanted to send some warm Corgi (or hedgie) cuteness to one of our lovely blog readers.
I suggested to him that a sweatshirt may be just the thing!
To win Indy's warm birthday give-away, just leave a comment for him on this post from now through the drawing on Monday, Jan 5th, 2009. No strings attached. You don't need to post the giveaway on your blog (unless you want to!), you don't need to stand on one foot and pat your head while rubbing your tummy...not a thing. Whether you are a new reader or an old friend, all are welcome. The winner of this giveaway (chosen by random draw) will receive one sweatshirt in one of the designs below or another of his or her choosing. (Don't be shy, Indy would never bite.)
"Fashionista Hedgie" Hedgehog Sweatshirt
"Walk Like An Egyptian" Corgi Sweatshirt
"Walk Like An Egyptian" Corgi Sweatshirt
"Potting Shed" Corgi Sweatshirt
"Start Your Engines" Corgi Sweatshirt

- Winner will choose their sweatshirt size. They range from 'small' to '2x.' If you would prefer a tee shirt or different style shirt or design in my CafePress Shop, you may have one instead.
- Winner will be chosen by random draw on Monday, January 5th, 2009, late evening EST and announced here.
- Please email me at christmascorgi@aol.com if you are the lucky winner!
Good luck, tell your friends, and thanks for helping Indy celebrate his birthday! -CS ^..^
Awww, Happy Birthday sweet Indy! I love that name. My Sophie-girl would love you :)
I've been eyeing up your artwork. I just have to decide on which one I want!
Happy New Year, my corgi pals!
Happy Birthday Indy! My nephew lives there! I love the hedgehog sweatshirt. Perfect for a kindergarten teacher on a cold day!
Happy llth birthday Indy. It doesn't seem possible that he is 11 already! Where does the time go?? Kids and critters growing at warp speed. Even Pat says happy birthday and we know that Indy and Pat have some "history"! LOL! Happy New Year to you and all your critters!
love ya,
Oh Cathy! What a sweet barkday for your cuddle bunny Indy! My Violet loves to snuggle with her daddy in bed every night, and gives him sweet little 'lippy' kisses. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "dressed to Kilt" design!! My hubby is scottish and he would SO wear that sweatshirt!! Hope I get picked!!!
A snuggly corgi? A dream come true! Indy, you truly are a special one! Happy Birthday from the Montana gang, Kirby, Ruger, Scooter and Skip. Not a Corgi in the bunch, I am sorry. :-(
Love and doggie kisses,
Happy Birthday Indy from Bo, Sasha and Bailey-Bear who may not be corgi but they're proud corgi supporters!
I love the sweatshirts, they're adorable.
Happy Birthday Indy!! you look adorable!!! I'm so glad you got some special birthday treats!!!
how exciting you are doing a give away!!! anything corgi on it me and Koda would love!!
thanks :)
Happy Birthday Indy! You are absolutely adorable and your Mom is lucky to have such a wonderful bed warmer.
One of these days I hope to have a Corgi of my own. But till then my own furkids and I wish you many more wonderful birthdays. Enjoy your yummy looking and well deserved cake.
Happy Birthday to Indy! That actually reminds me to pop into Cafe Press soon as the husband needs some new t-shirts and we have a few of yours that he has worn out!!!
He sounds like such a snuggly boy and that's why I really adore Corgi kids, all the hugs and fun in one small package. With fur. Oy! The fur! The Shedding! Still, it's worth it and the Dyson is happy *lol*
Indy - you are adorable!! I hope your birthday was lots of fun - looks like you had a great party! My girl, Belle, chews the squeakers out of everything too! She just chewed the cover off of her squeaky tennis ball. She's silly like that!
Happy Birthday Indy! Furry red corgi-boy bedwarmers are the BEST! From Cadfael the THANKSGIVING corgi boy in Kentucky and his mom, Ellen.
Yappy Barkday Indy! Glad you enjoyed your cuppy cakes on your birthday. Cooper says he'll come over and help you desqueak your new toy and eat the bag o'treats.
Wags and woofs from your Cardi friends and their momma.
Cooper, Carly, and Laura
Happy Barkday Indy!! From your Indiana Corgi fans. Zoey the PWC sends an "Aaarrrooooo!" your way on your special day. Love the racing Corgi design, it's perfect for Indianapolis Corgis.
Happy Birthday Indy!!!
It's me your "cousin" Molly! You look very handsome in your birthday photo!
I am glad you got the peanut butter cookies on your special day.They are my favorites, too! Invite me over and we can share them!
Indy-if you pick me , I will give the sweatshirt to our Mom. She would love it.
Have fun playing in the snow today and have a great New Years Eve!
With Love Your Corgi Cousins:
Molly, Bear, Irish, Rose, Beanie, Celeste and Susan :)
Happy birthday Indy!! :) Cosmo and Stella say Hello!
Happy, happy barkday, Indy! You look great! And what a sweet corgi to give away a present on your own birthday!
Happy Birthday to Indy from Cindy, Nancy, and Betony (who will be 11 in April and, like Indy, gets all the sweeter as she gets older). And happy, healthy, prosperous 2009 to everyone and every critter at the Santarsieros.
Happy Birthday Indy!!! It looks like you had a great party! My daughter, Maria, just turned 11 in November. Oh, how the time does fly by. Here's wishing you many, many more fun filled great birthday parties!
Happy New Year!
Angela, Jazz & Two
Happy birthday Indy! 11 is a great age.
Happy Birthday Indy! Count me in that giveaway Cat:-)I love corgis and hedgehogs--how could I possibly choose!!!!
How the heck did you get Indy to pose for that photo with a DOG TREAT CUPCAKE there in front of him?!?!?
I call photoshop! :)
Happy Happy to an adorable Sweetie.
Happy Birthday - what a cool giveaway. Happy New Year also - two celebrations in one!!
Happy Birthday sweet ol' corgi kid~
I love the potting shed shirt. Your cafe press site is so much fun for corgi lovers! Can't wait to put up our new Corgi calendar tomorrow. Love the art work for each month!
Our corgi kids are 7 and 9...I want them to live forever, don't you?
Hugs to you all in '09.
Blessings and milk bones!
Hey, happy belated b-day, old man Indy! :D 2 cupcakes?! Don't let Bryson hear that! Wish you many more happy b-days to come :)
From One Corgi To Another WOOF WOOF, Which Means Happy Birthday! Might I Add You Look Great For 11 Years Indy. Must Be All That Great Love Your Getting From Your Master. Lucky You!!
I will try this comment again.
Happy Birthday, Indy. I wish you wonderful time. I was recommended here by Blueberry Cottage and I am very pleased by the lovely blog I've found. A Happy New Year!
I wouldn't mind a try at the sweatshirt if possible :) My Scottish roots hanker a bit for the kilted doggie.
Happy, happy birthday, Indy! Eleven years young and still so cute!
Cathy, I love your art and style. I hope I win one of those sweet sweatshirts!
...new to blog land...
Happy birthday, Indy! Good thing you didn't invite Luna to your party or she would have gobbled up those cupcakes before anyone noticed!
Indy, We certainly hope that you have a wonderful birthday and are enjoying the day and all your pressies!!!
Happy New Year, too...
Sara and Killian (the cat)
Happy Birthday Indy. Beautiful artwork.
Happy Birthday Indy! We were just adopted three weeks ago by an eleven week old PWC, Toby. He is already a joy. I am looking forward to the next eleven years with him.
Happy New Year!
So cute the Little Indy guy. Wat a great lot of stuff you have.
And a giveaway too!
Happy Birthday Indy! You're such a sweetie!
Happy Birthday Indy,every day with you is surely a blessing!
My old Gal Lily(nearly 14) doesn't get around so well these days, but given a baby to kiss, she gets herself there, and slobbers the little one from top to bottom!
Dear Indy,
I'm sending you purrs and nose rubs for a Corgilicious birthday!
With furry love,
Thanks for your sweet comments on my recent post---BUT you HAVE to come back!!! You need to leave a comment on my 100th Post so you can be in my giveaway drawing!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!! Dana
Happy Birthday Indy from Komodo,Angel and Blue. The boys always have a special dinner on their birthday along with toys and treats. Aunty Colleen comes over for the celebration. Corgis are wonderful.
Woof Woof As One Corgi To Another, Happy Birthday Indy! I Must Say You Are A Fine Looking Dog For 11! You Must Have One Great Master!
Hey Corgi pal! Happy barkday, 11 years young! Lots of slobbery kisses to 'ya!
M & I
Woo-hoo! YOU are officially entered in my 100th post giveaway! Thank you for leaving a comment!!!
Dana :)
Happy Birthday, Indy! I have two precious corgis of my own, Abby and Archie.
I love your blog! I just discovered it, and am featuring it as one of my favorites on my own blog.
I hope I win the contest! LOL
Hi Cathy!
Your Indy is ADORABLE! I had to catch up on your wonderful posts. The doggies in the snow are too cute for words! I love your miniature Christmas display too. LOVE all the details. Hope you have a wonderful 2009!
Hi there! I came across your web site from another corgi blog, and was admiring your art work. I also have a 9 month old corgi named Momo and I love reading up on the antics of other corgis and their owners =) By the way, happy birthday to your special guy, and happy new year to you!
Pam & Momo
Happy Birthday Indy! My parents have a corgi named Molly and she is a sweetheart! Happy New Year!
Happy Brthday Indy! Looks like you got lots of good loot to celebreat-don't eat it all at once!
Hope you and Mom and siblings have a wonderful 2009!
Happiest of birthdays you handsome boy! And happy New Year to you and yours, Cathy,
Carol, Buck, Belli and Molly
Happy Birthday Indy. Can't wait to see more art work. Happy New Year to Corgis everywhere. Bronwyn sends her greetings too.
Dear Indy,
Happy Birthday. You look so happy in your photo. I love being a corgi, too. We are blessed to be loved so much. Love, Abbie
Hey Indy, I hope Mommy didn't try to give you a Birthday Bath!!!! I know you DO NOT love them.
Willow and the gang here send belated birthday wishes. Have another WONDERFUL year, big boy. We love you!!!!
A Very Happy Birthday, Dear Indy, and many happy returns of the day!
If our household is so lucky as to "win" the birthday tee shirt it will certainly make Princess Fiona jealous.
I join my fellow Corgi addicts in sending New Year greetings to everyone (especially to you, Indy!).
Okay, I have to ask.Do you pose your corgi's for the paintings?? Ha! Ha! I know the answer to that one - (I have 3 corgi's of my own) they never stand still!
Happy Birthday and eat lots of cake :) Love Michelle ^..^
p.s. thank you for your whimsical paintings that capture the true essence of the corgi spirit.
Indy, sweetie, hope your 11th birthday was the most memorable yet. Your cupcakes and peanut butter treats sounded yummy and your party looked like it was a hoot! Mom had a party for me and invited all my friends but she made us wear party hats for photos...bummer! Glad you didn't have to suffer that indignation. My Mom gave your Mom's new calendars for gifts to her PWC friends...you should have heard the squeals, I thought they had new squeaky toys! Now if we could only convince our Moms that we have 7 birthdays a year so we could get more presents and treats!
Mazie ^..^ and her Mom Karen
Indy, sweetie, hope your 11th birthday was the most memorable yet. Your cupcakes and peanut butter treats sounded yummy and your party looked like it was a hoot! Mom had a party for me and invited all my friends but she made us wear party hats for photos...bummer! Glad you didn't have to suffer that indignation. My Mom gave your Mom's new calendars for gifts to her PWC friends...you should have heard the squeals, I thought they had new squeaky toys! Now if we could only convince our Moms that we have 7 birthdays a year so we could get more presents and treats!
Mazie ^..^ and her Mom Karen
Indy, my Macaulay is my snuggler, too, even here in Florida. He thinks it's the very best thing in the world to do. His mom, Annie, has decided she likes snuggling now that Macaulay has shown her how great it is. She used to disdain it and only lay at our feet!! Happy New Year and many desqueaking adventures!!
Happy Birthday to your dear Indy! He is adorable!!! I love your artwork and your blog is great, beautiful photo's!
Happy birthday, Indy! Jordan, Machias & Cutler send their greetings! Our mom says you have great music on your site!
Happy New Year to corgis everywhere!
Happy Birthday Indy! 11 is very good. Here's hoping for many more.
What a sweet looking dog. I hope he enjoyed his birthday cake. It looks yummy. My Tiffany and Jem would probably have a blast playing with Indy.
Great to "revisit" Christmas! (Just found your blog.) There's something about Corgis in the snow that's so RIGHT. I've loved your artwork. Hard to believe one might prefer a hedgie over a Corgi, but your Fashion Hedgie is pretty darned cute!
Sue Duffield
happy birthday sweetie
Happy Birthday to Indy, hope he had a wonderful and fun packed barkday. Two cupcakes!?
Jan & Charlee
Happy 11th Birthday Indy!
We wish we could have been there to share your cake! We love cake!
We love to eat anything - cause we're corgis. Mom is using some tiles with your prints on them for our new bathroom. She sure likes us corgis.
Your friends,
Priya & Cowboy
in Connecticut
You are one amazing woman...these sweatshirts are charming...and Happy Birthday Indy!!!
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