Our mission: Get all of the puppies into the basket and take one decent Christmas photo.
Our reality: The babies had other ideas.
First you'll see a brief glimpse of Cindy Read, saying something like, "Maybe they will get really tired and will stay in the basket." Then you'll hear Mary Elizabeth Simpson telling her something like, "They'll be out playing for a while, then will go back into their pen and will be so tired they should sleep for hours!" Then there's me, talking to our veteran boy, Indy, (Ch. Windcrest Zip'N Indiana Jones) Indy decided it would be his job to try and herd them all in as they jumped out of the basket. **if my blog music is playing in the background, you can pause it. The player is in the sidebar to the left.
Here's Cindy with a fluffy cutie pie...
We'd put them into the basket.....

They'd jump

So we tried to take a few stacking photos....("stacking" is a term used to teach a dog to stand properly for the show ring to be evaluated by a judge at a dog show)
But, they weren't really in the mood for that, either.
So, they found the cheese we were using to train them with, on the log. So much for the beauty photos.
Next, they decided to see what the camera strap tastes like......
Then we put littermates Hannah Banana (on left) and Indy (center) with their mother Kelsey (on the right) HB and Indy will be 11 in December. Kelsey is 14. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday when they were the little ones in the basket.
Have a lovely week everyone! xo Cathy ^..^
OHHHH MY goodness gracious me they are just the cutest wee babes I have ever seen - brought such a smile to my face - please give them all a cuddle from me :) they make my heart melt! Hugs, Catherine x
OH my goodness...I'm in love! They are so adorable. I love the fluffy guy! Your pictures and commentary really made me smile :)
Aaaawww, that fluffy is super cute! and I love the picture of Kelsey and her "babies". My very first dog (a sheltie) was named Kelsey. :)
The puppies are TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!! I'll take a dozen! Just kidding - my husband has banned me from bringing home any more dogs. Woe is me!
Cathy my husband is ready to take me off your blog-hehe Those puppies are too cute, reminds me when my two were babies-oh I want another!!!!!I have a good friend who wants a dog, I keep pushing her towards a corgi-w/promises of sleepovers here!
Okay, Lydia is asking when can we go to Cathy's house and her and Sam have picked out their corgi! You are making it hard for to resist getting another one!
Hi Cathy, thanks for calling by. I don't think I have ever seen such cute little corgi pups. I tried to decide which pic I found most appealing and it was almost impossible but I have to say the one I love best is the little one being held in a 'begging position'. It made me smile from ear to ear! I'll call again soon. Eli
Oh, my!! They are adorable!!! I just put a photo of my birthday boy corgi on my blog.
Awwww!!! They're soooo darn cute I couldn't stop squealing!! :D (Bryson's looking at me like "what's wrong?") OMG OMG OMG, I need a pack of corgi puppies! And Indy's so cute trying to herd them in place! Can't believe Kelsey is 14, but little ol' Bryson's almost 5... I guess time does fly ;)
Holy Doodles! It's corgis galore.
Even though they aren't showable, I LOOOVE the fluffs! I want a fluffy Cardi someday as a 'fiber dog', and performance prospect! ;0P
Luna herds our kitties too! Aren't Corgis wonderful? I heart them.
The 'woe is me' picture cracked me up. That looks like how Mabel howls when she's frustrated by life. :)
I just found your blog yesterday; your dogs are sooo cute! this must have been an adventure!! my corgi doesn't like the camera; he goes away from it or turns away from it the minute he sees it coming
enjoy your day :)
They are so darling!! I feel for you in the photography arena though. We're taking a (hopefully super-cute) picture of our 4 cats for our holiday cards... and I know it will be a phenomenol effort to get it done.
Oh my! What could be better than a basket full of corgi kids! I want them all!
i don't have a corgi but your site makes me want one!
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