On Sunday I popped in to visit my Grandmother Grace's oldest friend, Mildred. "Gracie" past away a couple of years ago. Mildred, who just turned 100 misses her a lot. We all do. Mildred and Gracie (don't you just love those good old fashioned names...Gracie and Mildred??) have been through quite a bit together in their lives, marriages, births, the "Great Depression," deaths. They were friends for 70 years. I love listening to her stories, many of which I've heard 100's of times, but they never get old. Gracie was some cook. Her meatballs were legend. I made a batch over the weekend and brought some of 'Gracie's meatballs' to Mildred. Mildred proceeded to tell me how during the Depression, Gracie would always find something to cook. She loved to cook. We used to kid her that she could make an 8 course meal from a head of lettuce. Mildred told me how Gracie always shared whatever she had. If she had 2 she'd give you 1. If she had 1, you'd get half.
I think blogs are cool. I think blogging may just be where our stories are told. A blog can inspire me, inform me, relax me, help me figure out what to cook for dinner, or just plain make me laugh. I have recently made my 100th post to this blog. To celebrate 'my 100' I will have a fun little give-away contest right here!
This give-away will be open to all subscribers to my mailing list. (fun and free!) The box on the left of this blog will let you easily subscribe. Rest assured that your personal information is never sold or shared. Now, what shall we do for our little contest? I know! All you have to do between now and November 10 (which would have been Gracie's birthday) is to leave a comment on this post telling which of my posts (see archives!) was your favorite. One of the resident Corgis will help me to choose a winner and the prize for this giveaway shall be a 10 pack of the new nifty sized 'notecards' and a brand new mug from my CafePress online Pembroke Welsh Corgi store in your choice of design. Then you will have a bit of fun Corgi-ness to enjoy some delicious hot cocoa and marshmallows this Winter while you read your favorite blogs! Have a happy week! Corgishly, CS ^..^
I think blogs are cool. I think blogging may just be where our stories are told. A blog can inspire me, inform me, relax me, help me figure out what to cook for dinner, or just plain make me laugh. I have recently made my 100th post to this blog. To celebrate 'my 100' I will have a fun little give-away contest right here!
This give-away will be open to all subscribers to my mailing list. (fun and free!) The box on the left of this blog will let you easily subscribe. Rest assured that your personal information is never sold or shared. Now, what shall we do for our little contest? I know! All you have to do between now and November 10 (which would have been Gracie's birthday) is to leave a comment on this post telling which of my posts (see archives!) was your favorite. One of the resident Corgis will help me to choose a winner and the prize for this giveaway shall be a 10 pack of the new nifty sized 'notecards' and a brand new mug from my CafePress online Pembroke Welsh Corgi store in your choice of design. Then you will have a bit of fun Corgi-ness to enjoy some delicious hot cocoa and marshmallows this Winter while you read your favorite blogs! Have a happy week! Corgishly, CS ^..^
Saboteurs is my favorite post so far. I can relate all too well after having to try to help Patty take pictures of so many litters and puppies. Also trying to snap shots of my girls, they'll be perfectly posed and then "oh, Mom, Look at THIS" and do something rotten. I have you in my bloglines and read faithfully, but I'm a lousy commenter (no cookie). I do adore your latest artwork and my plea... can't afford an original but as soon as it's in the Cafe Press Store, DH NEEDS that T-Shirt!!
Thank you for blogging, it is really fun to read!
But I can't decide! I love your photos, so much talent! I love your paintings, so MUCH talent! And I love your words! Do I really have to decide?
Hi Cathy,
How fun to have a contest to celebrate your #100! Congratulations.
In the Garden, posted July 30, 2007, is my choice. You touched on so many things I enjoy - starting with gardening, then on to your beautiful cards, a visit to our beloved Tasha Tudor's garden, your amazing Santa and Corgi eggs and those fantastic little felted Corgi's! How I loved them! Especially the one on his back - just like my Gizmo does all of the time. Of course, above everything, the wonderful photos of the Corgi's - and especially Bridget who was celebrating her birthday on July 23rd - the day before mine! Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. It was hard to pick just one as they are all great.
Hi Cathy,
My favorite blog is April 23, 2007. Love the pictures of the little ones, especially the one of the three looking thru the window and the other one eating the petunia. What fun!
Congradulations on your 100th blog, quite an accomplishment.
This post is probably my favorite. I have dear and close girlfriends I cherish and think of as great treasure in my life. My very best gal pals are two women I've known since we were in diapers. We spend lots of time sharing some giggles and some tears over events we've shared for the past 58 years. Thinking about losing either of these women is sad beyond belief. Cathy, you are a very special person for continuing this friendship with Mildred. It must be lovely for both of you.
The stories are what linger for me...and I can't remember the titles. My fave is when that polished Champion (Indy's sire?) of ME's jumped onto the table and ate ALL the french toast and finished off the maple syrup. Yup! That just cracked me up and illustrates what a normal place you have, despite all the fabulous pix that we see...heehee. It's those little nuggets that I love. I mean, hearing that The Rose could make a seven course meal from a head of lettuce -- that presents an amazing portrait in my mind's eye. Giving, caring, warm, funny...You done good stuff, kiddo. And I can see where you got it!
Mary Ann
I love swapping and seeing what others make to swap so I loved the Valentine post from this year with your Valentines and doll valentines! Adorable!
Pick me, Pick me:-)!!!!! Congrats to you tooooo!!!!
Can I vote for 3, LOL? Of course I have to vote for Corgi Friends from Oct.'06 with the sweet photo of our Betony. But then again your very first Corgi Art News, Oct. 05, combines everything I love about your blog--art, corgis, family, good things to think about. And today's stories about Mildred and Gracie really touched my heart. With the millions of blogs out there, I only look at 3 regularly, and yours is one of them. I'll be looking forward to the next 100 posts!
Cindy R
Happy 11th Birthday, Bailey is my favorite blog because it brings back special memories of my friend Lesley's Bailey who never made it to 11. He was one of the world's best corgis and his life ended early because of degenerative mylopathy. Your Bailey even looks a lot like him. Thanks for bringing back some warm memories.
Just started reading them and since I haven't done them all yet, the most recent has to be my favourite :-)
Your October 11th post on Bailey's birthday is my favorite. The picture is just tto cute for words. What a happy corgi!
Lou S
April,2007 is my pick. Puppies, petunias, painting, these are a few of my favorite things. Also that is about when I began collecting your corgi art work. I have had so much trouble deciding on which paintings, note cards, mouse pads to get. Thank goodness for the Christmas Calendar which has lots of different pictures. I have become a Corgi maniac thanks to my "girls" Daphne (a tri color) who is 12 and Bronwyn (a red and white) who will be 1 Dec. 6. I have even converted my daughter and son-in-law (who never owned a dog in his life). They have 3 rescued Corgis, a blue merle Cardigan, a tri-color Cardigan and a red and white Pembroke.
Keep up the good work Cathy. You bring a smile to my face.
Cathy-My favorite post is Blizzard from Feb/2006. I visited your site to look at pictures of Bridget. I found myself reading about how your family was preparing for a "snowed in" weekend much as my family was doing at the same time. Icheck in to see pictures of the puppies, your artwork and for the stories. Your stories are special-all about family and friends-thank you for sharing! Susan
Holy Corgi~! My favorite post was November 32, 2006 "Happy Thanksgiving" where Maize was sniffing a sweet little orphaned deer.
I just found your website about a week ago. We are planning on getting a Corgi pup in the near future, but were concerned that a Corgi might want to herd everything and might not be gentle. Seeing this picture changed our minds. How sweet!
Congrats on your 100th... what a neat place to poke around.
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