While I believe that all moms are working moms, I often wonder how so many working moms always manage to look so 'put together.' I really tried to start the day off well. I woke up, fed the wee beasties, threw a really good chicken and artichoke recipe into the crockpot. After a day of homeschooling my brilliant daughter and painting; I decided to bathe a Corgi. The combination of my frizzy hair and the humidity from the tub equals bigger, frizzier, wicked hair. I headed to the post office to mail a painting and while standing in line, I notice that people are staring and slightly backing away. This is not the first time this has happened. My fears were realized upon returning home and finally having a chance to actually look in a mirror. The combination of the blue paint on my face, big hair and tartan scarf made me look like Mel Gibson could have cast me in Braveheart. I think I need to stop freaking out the good people of Harrison. -Cathy ^..^
Click the Ebay icon to the left when you are done browsing my blog to see my lastest Pembroke Welsh Corgi Original paintings on Ebay!
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